Here’s how to fluidize your blood naturally and prevent fatal blood clots


Contrary to what you might think, blood clots are naturally produced by your body when blood vessels are damaged. It is a natural defence of the body to prevent bleeding. Nevertheless, in some cases, these clocks deviate from their main function, endangering other organs. To protect yourself, discover how to fluidize your blood and prevent them in a natural way.

Blood clots are necessary to protect the body and can sometimes be fatal, causing embolism and phlebitis. So to avoid the hypercoagulability of blood, discover natural methods that will allow you to fluidize it.

What is a blood clot?

Blood clots, also called “thrombus”, are semi-solid and viscous masses made up of blood cells that naturally form in the body in the event of injury in a blood vessel in order to repair it. Blood clots are therefore a completely normal defence reaction and seemingly beneficial to your body. They are made up of red blood cell platelets, plasma and proteins that work to stop the leak caused by the lesion and prevent bleeding.

Possible complications of blood clots

Sometimes these clots block an artery, or even a vein, blocking the flow of blood and oxygen to your organs. This can cause more tissue damage, and therefore possibly cause a heart attack. In addition, there is a risk that these blood clots may detach from the lesion they are supposed to protect and circulate to other parts of the body, putting other organs at risk.

These complications can be fatal if the clots block the blood flow to the heart muscle. The lack or absence of oxygenation of the cells can cause the death of the heart muscle, which could lead to a heart attack.

The main symptoms indicating that you have arterial blood clots

  • Your arms and legs are constantly cold;
  • You often experience muscle pain and weakness in a part of your body;
  • You feel tingling and numbness in your arms and legs.

How to fluidize your blood to prevent blood clots

1-Maintain a healthy and balanced diet

In order to prevent blood clots, it is essential to monitor your cholesterol level because it is a significant risk factor. For this reason, it is important to favour healthy and natural foods of organic origin over fatty, sweet or processed foods. Eating organically grown fruits and vegetables is also essential to your good health.

2-Do not smoke

Smoking, whether active or passive, is also a significant risk factor. By eliminating it, you will significantly improve your health in general, but especially your heart health.

3-Be physically active on a regular basis

Physical activity allows you to burn off the excess fat in your body and thus protect your heart and organs at the same time. Regular physical activity helps to keep you in shape and prevents blood clots from forming.

Some natural blood thinners

1-Ginkgo Biloba extract

Ginkgo has been proven to be an excellent blood diluent, reducing fibrin levels and preventing clots.

2-Vitamin E

According to studies, a diet rich in vitamin E will help you thin your blood and optimize its oxygenation. You can find this vitamin in various foods such as green vegetables, almonds, kiwi, squash, avocado, etc.

3-Omega-3 fatty acids

Researchers have shown that omega-3 fatty acids, found in fish in particular, act as anticoagulants and prevent coronary artery blockage.

4-Turmeric and ginger

Turmeric and ginger have been proven to have anticoagulant properties and prevent blood platelets from clumping, thinning your blood and preventing blood clots from forming.

5-The garlic

known as a powerful anticoagulant due to its antiplatelet properties that prevent the formation of blood clots.

6-Vitamin C

This valuable vitamin is essential to your cardiovascular health because it keeps your heart healthy and reduces the risk of cardiovascular death, according to one study.

Warning notice

If you suffer from blood clotting, it is necessary to consult a doctor. These alternatives are preventive and are in no way a substitute for medical treatment.

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