Cancer is a silent killer: 14 daily activities that can cause it


Prevention is the key to full health. Knowing the risks that can expose us to chronic disease is essential. While cancer is a disease that is not triggered by environmental and lifestyle factors, the risk is multiplied when certain circumstances are met. There are 14 daily activities that can contribute to it. These are relayed to us by the American site The Guardian.

To prevent disease, it is important to be aware of the risks that can contribute to its occurrence. Cancer is a chronic disease that can lead to death at an advanced stage. However, it is possible to adopt preventive measures by avoiding certain behaviours, especially eating habits. Here are 14 actions to limit on a daily basis for better prevention.

1- Tobacco

This habit is undoubtedly the worst for overall health. According to the National Cancer Institute, smoking exposes you to many cancers such as those of the mouth, lungs, larynx, rectum, pancreas and many others.

2- UV cabins

While some people like to use this technique to improve their tan, it is not without risks. And for good reason, this machine can eventually cause skin cancer by promoting the appearance of melanoma.

3-Arsenic in water

Arsenic may be present in some drinking water sources. Its consumption can eventually lead to an intoxication called arsenic poisoning. But this is not the only danger since this poison can cause many cancers.

4-Some dyes

Aromatic amines are dyes sometimes used in shoe leather. Its solid or liquid compounds are classified as Group 1 carcinogens by the IARC.

5- Coal gasification

This danger particularly concerns workers in mines. When coal turns into gas, it emits carbon dioxide, which is harmful to the respiratory tract. This study shows that exposure to gasification of the mineral increases the risk of lung cancer.

6- Coke production

The coking plant is a plant that produces a fuel [editor’s note: coke] from manufactured gas and coal. This production exposes its workers to a higher risk of dying from lung or kidney cancer.

7- Woodworking

Working with wood and furniture can put you at risk of developing this chronic disease. Exposure to wood dust may ultimately increase the risk of nasal cancer.

8- Passive smoking

Passive smoking is often seen as a harmless attitude, but it can actually be harmful to your health. In France, it is estimated that one million people are exposed to it. According to the Ministry of Solidarity and Health, it is the cause of 3,000 to 5,000 deaths per year.

9- Painting

The work of a painter can expose you to the risk of developing cancer because of the chemical compounds it contains. This study illustrates this by explaining that this activity makes people more vulnerable to cancer-related mortality.

10- Alcohol

In addition to being a factor that can cause fatal cirrhosis, alcoholic beverages can also promote the development of cancer. Alcohol is described as a “probable cause” of breast, colorectal, laryngeal, liver, oesophageal and other cancers by the IARC.

11- Plants containing aristolochic acid

Owning a plant with this compound at home can be extremely dangerous. Aristolochic acid can cause urethral cancer and certain kidney diseases. The plant in question is called Aristolochia, a plant from Asia known for its slimming properties.

12- Diets rich in salty meats

A diet high in salted meats or marinated foods may also be a risk factor. The British Cancer Research Foundation says that this type of diet promotes cancer of the nasopharynx, the upper part of the throat behind the nose.

13- Exposure to iron and steel

Certain practices can increase the risk of cancer. This is the case for iron and steel work. This study proves it: workers in these materials have an increased likelihood of getting lung cancer. The reason? They contain toxic substances such as formaldehyde.

14- Processed meat

Excessive consumption of this type of food is not insignificant. The latest IARC report indicates that reducing your intake of processed meats can reduce the risk of colorectal cancer.